The course aims to provide the concept of structure in architecture. It introduces the concept of forces on Building and Relationship between structural planning and theory, ground and foundation. It also exposes methods of structural analysis for such building structural elements as columns, beams, truss and special structures. The course analysis methods to the studio design of structural forms.

Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

i. Architectural structural forms and their different analysis methods under different types of applied forces.

ii. Relationship between structural planning and theory, ground and foundation.

iii. Different types of deformation of structures

iv. Stress and strain concepts

v. Apply methods of analysis to some of structural elements, such as beams, trusses, etc., under different types of loads.

vi. Apply concept of structure in Architecture to the studio design of structural forms

vii. Analyze different building Elements and components, taking in consideration the type of the load.

viii. Choose suitable architectural forms for building during architectural design.

ix. Undertake self learning in Structures area.

x. Produce simple reports about structures behavior.