1.      Module Title: Histotechnology I

2.      Module Code : HIS: 8524                             

3.      Faculty : AFS

4.      Year 2                                                            

5.      Semester: 3                                                    

6.      Credits: 15

7.      Administrating Faculty: AFS

8.      Pre-requisite or co-requisite modules: Cell Biology, Genetics, Anatomy and Physiology


Module Description & Aims

Histology is the study of structure and function of tissue.

It can be described as microscopic anatomy.

The module includes microscopic identification of normal basic tissues, microscopic structure (morphology) of organs and the relationship between structure and function. Many techniques have been developed and are designed to prepare and preserve the structural integrity of a tissue biopsy so that it can be viewed microscopically.


This module is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in basic and special histology.

This will enable students to cope with histopathology related courses and other subsequent medical laboratory sciences.

This course intends also to equip students with knowledge, attitudes and practical skills needed for tissue processing.


     Learning outcomes


A.                 Knowledge and Understanding

By the end of the module, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

i.             Histological characteristics of normal tissues

ii.            Structure and functions of the cellular components.

iii.             Principles of histopathology

iv.            Theory of fixation, processing and staining of human body tissue

v.            Manual and automated tissue processing.

vi.            Rotary microtomes,



B.  Cognitive / Intellectual skills / Application of knowledge

To ensure that the module has been successfully completed, student should be able to:

vii.            Define and describe the histological characteristics of normal tissues

viii.            Define and describe the structure and functions of the cytoplasmic components.

ix.             Correlate between histological structure & function of any cell or tissue

x.            Discuss the principles of histopathology

xi.             Understand the theory of fixation, processing and staining of human body tissue

xii.             Describe both manual and automated tissue processing, including types of processors, selection of reagents, choice /programming of processing schedules, and troubleshooting.

xiii.             Discuss the use of rotary microtomes, concentrating on paraffin section production and identifying common artifacts.



C.  Communication/ICT/Numeracy/Analytic techniques/Practical skills

Having successfully completed the module, student should be able to:

xiv.            Use the microscope efficiently.

xv.            Handle the histological glass slides and examine them using the maximum microscopic facilities.

xvi.             Identify different cellular components

xvii.             Identify and differentiate between different types of epithelium, connective tissue cells, connective tissue proper & bone cells

xviii.             Differentiate between different tissues and organs in histological slide seen under the microscope

xix.             Demonstrate proficiency in the preparation of paraffin-wax sections

xx.             Prepare and use H&E stains correctly.



D.  General transferable skills

To ensure that the module has been successfully completed, student should be able to:

xxi.             Demonstrate good professional conduct.

xxii.             Follow safety rules and procedures.

xxiii.             Follow directions of the instructor.

xxiv.             Adjust to consistency and perfection.

xxv.            Demonstrate Teamwork in completion of laboratory tasks

Indicative content

Histology unit

❖   Cells

❖   Epithelium

❖   Connective Tissue

❖   Muscular tissue and nervous tissue.

❖    Integumentary System

❖    Cartilage and Bone

❖    Blood and bone marrow

❖   Digestive System

❖   Cardiovascular System histology

❖    Respiratory System

❖   Lymphatic System

❖   Urinary System

❖   Male and female reproductive system

❖   Endocrine system.



Cytopathology unit

❖   Introduction

❖   Introduction to cytology

❖   Cytology and aspects

❖   Cell injury, adaptations and cell death

❖   Inflammation

❖   Concept of neoplasm

❖   Safety precautions applied in histocytopathology laboratory