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Semester II
CEN4225-Computer Aided Building Design
CEN 8240-Reinforced Concrete Design II
CEN 8533-Structural Analysis-2
CEN8235-Irrigation & Drainage Engineering (IDE)
LAW8214 - Organization, Functioning, and Jurisdiction of Courts
Semester I
ICT112: Introduction to ICT
Grammaire francaise I
COS101 - Communication skills
ENG102 - Introduction to world literature
FRA101 - Introduction à la langue Française
Semester 2
PHY 8125-Fundamental Physics
PDI214-Plant diversity
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Semester II
CEN4225-Computer Aided Building Design
CEN 8240-Reinforced Concrete Design II
CEN 8533-Structural Analysis-2
CEN8235-Irrigation & Drainage Engineering (IDE)
LAW8214 - Organization, Functioning, and Jurisdiction of Courts
Semester I
ICT112: Introduction to ICT
Grammaire francaise I
COS101 - Communication skills
ENG102 - Introduction to world literature
FRA101 - Introduction à la langue Française
Semester 2
PHY 8125-Fundamental Physics
PDI214-Plant diversity
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