This module of computer literacy aims to introduce the students to ICT in general and computer particular, the science of data processing, to familiarize them with the use the computer tools and to enable them to handle basic software such as for example MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and the Internet. The unit has two parts; theory part which allows students to understand main concept of ICT in general and concept of computer particular. It will help candidates to understand what computer is, parts of computer and how they work together to make one function system. After theory part, next one is practice which trains candidates how to use ICT tools but mostly computer as important tool in studies and beyond studies. The unit will also help them to know how to solve some simple hardware problems through maintenance. Candidates shall also understand how information are shared on a network and be accessible by users. The candidates shall also be able to accomplish common Web search tasks using a Web browsing application and available search engine tools and shall be able to use INES digital platforms such as e-learning platform, digital campus platform and digital library platform.

A la fin de ce cours de grammaire du Francais I, l'etudiant sera capable de deceler ;

-Les proprietes du langage par l'initiation aux notions de base de morphologie flexionnelle et derivationnelle; les concepts fondamentaux de l'etude de la structure des mots;les proprietes du langage par l'initiation aux notions de base de la syntaxe