Course info
This module utilizes all the knowledge thus gained and explores its application in the contemporary architecture. This is broadly tackled in three areas namely; Experience which looks at the learner’s interaction with architectural phenomena, Magnitude where the scale and proportion of these phenomena and the environmental relationship is analyzed and Design Process which looks at the systems used to bring the components together.
Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to:
i. Demonstrate an understanding of various principles of expression
ii. Express clear understanding of the relationship the environment has with architecture.
iii. Demonstrate an understanding of buildings systems employed to give buildings of varied characteristics and usage
iv. demonstrate a familiarity with Experience, Magnitude, Building systems and design process as used/applied in architecture
v. portray a thorough understanding of inherent architectural issues and are able to express these ideas in a structured and coherent way
vi. Demonstrate skill and confidence in ordered and coherent expression, both written and spoken
vii. Learn independently in familiar and unfamiliar situations with open mindedness and in a spirit of critical enquiry.
viii. Work constructively as a member of a team and to manage both time and other sources effectively to meet the deadlines.
ix. Demonstrate general numerical skills and problem solving skills.
- Teacher: ogbole gregory anthony ogah